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Photo Gallery --- TCC Training Seminar on ENSO/IOD and Regional Impact
(19 February 2025)
NOMURA Ryoichi was appointed as Director-General of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)
(30 January 2025)
RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center Technical Review No. 27
(21 January 2025)
Photo Gallery --- JICA Group Training Program, Reinforcement of Meteorological Services
(24 September - 11 December 2024)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 78
(10 December 2024)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by the CEO/Director of the Australian Government's Bureau of Meteorology
(9 December 2024)
The 2023 edition of Annual Report on the Activities of the RSMC Tokyo-Typhoon Center is now available
(29 November 2024)
Photo Gallery --- The 6th WCRP International Conference on Reanalysis (ICR6)
(28 October - 1 November 2024)
Photo Gallery --- The 7th meeting of Working Group on Meteorology (WGM-7) of the ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee
(30 - 31 October 2024)
Press release: Climate characteristics and factors behind extremely high temperatures from July onward and heavy rainfall in late July 2024
(18 October 2024)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by the Executive President, Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP)
(7 October 2024)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by the Administrator, China Earthquake Administration (CEA)
(27 September 2024)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 77
(3 September 2024)
Press release: Contribution of an unprecedented marine heatwave to extremely hot summer conditions over northern Japan in 2023
(15 August 2024)
The 2023 edition of Climate Change Monitoring Report is now available
(28 June 2024)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 76
(6 June 2024)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by PAGASA Administrator Dr. Nathaniel T. Servando
(21 - 23 May 2024)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 75
(29 March 2024)
Photo Gallery --- Technical meeting on Himawari-8/9 Rapidly Developing Cumulus Area (RDCA) products (7 March 2024)
(29 March 2024)
Photo Gallery --- JMA Workshop on WMO Information System Implementation 2023 (28 - 30 November 2023)
(13 March 2024)
Photo Gallery --- WMO/ASEAN Training Workshop on Weather Radar Data Quality Control and Radar Data Exchange held in Bangkok, Thailand, with JMA support (29 January - 2 February 2024)
(1 March 2024)
Photo Gallery --- Technical Visit by Singapore Contingent regarding ATM-tailored Weather Services in Japan (14 - 16 February 2024)
(28 February 2024)
MORI Takashi was appointed as Director-General of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)
(26 February 2024)
Photo Gallery --- JMA/MRI Hosting of WMO Sand and Dust Storm Meetings (30 October - 1 November 2023)
(14 February 2024)
The 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake -Portal-
(5 January 2024)
Photo Gallery --- JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program for Reinforcement of Meteorological Services implemented by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) (2 October – 12 December 2023)
(21 December 2023)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 74
(8 December 2023)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by Prof. Dwikorita Karnawati (Head of BMKG) and BNPB delegation (2 November 2023)
(16 November 2023)
Photo Gallery --- Weather Radar Workshop 2023 in Tokyo (11-13 October 2023)
(30 October 2023)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by Prof. Andrea Celeste Saulo (Director of Argentina's Servicio Meteorológico Nacional/next WMO Secretary-General) and delegation (6 September 2023)
(4 October 2023)
Press release: Climate characteristics and factors behind heavy rainfall during the Baiu season in 2023 and extremely high temperatures from mid-July onward
(29 September 2023)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 73
(29 September 2023)
Press release: Potential JMA/MRI email security breach
(4 August 2023)
The 2022 edition of Climate Change Monitoring Report is now available
(31 July 2023)
Photo Gallery --- The 51st Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites Plenary Session (CGMS-51 Plenary Session) (26-28 June 2023)
(21 July 2023)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 72
(13 June 2023)
RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center Technical Review No. 25
(23 May 2023)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by the NOAA Administrator Dr. Spinrad
(15 May 2023)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by WMO/RA II President H.E. Dr. Abdulla Ahmed Al Mandous
(10 April 2023)
Photo Gallery --- Tackling Extreme Precipitation Events Workshop -Indo-Pacific region-
(30 March 2023)
Photo Gallery --- Weather Radar Workshop in Tokyo
(13 March 2023)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Secretary-General
(18 February 2023)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Assistant Administrator for Weather Services
(16 February 2023)
Photo Gallery --- 22nd Typhoon Committee Attachment Training course at the RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center
(13 January 2023)
Photo Gallery --- JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program for Reinforcement of Meteorological Services implemented by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) (12 September – 9 December 2022)
(6 January 2023)
OBAYASHI Masanori was appointed as Director-General of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)
(5 January 2023)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 70
(14 December 2022)
Photo Gallery ---Visit by the Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical Agency of Indonesia (BMKG)
(13 December 2022)
Visit by the Mozambique Minister of Transport and Communication
(21 November 2022)
Photo Gallery --- TCC Training Seminar on Global Warming Projection Information
(15 November 2022)
The 2021 edition of Annual Report on the Activities of the RSMC Tokyo-Typhoon Center is now available
(24 October 2022)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by the Indonesian National Agency for Disaster Risk Reduction
(30 September 2022)
Press release: Climate characteristics and factors behind record-high temperatures in late June/early July 2022 and subsequent weather conditions
(14 September 2022)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 69
(14 September 2022)
The 2021 edition of Climate Change Monitoring Report is now available
(30 June 2022)
Update of Weekly Report on Global Extreme Climate Events
(29 June 2022)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 68
(15 June 2022)
RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center Technical Review No. 24
(20 April 2022)
Japan climate conditions in winter 2021/22
(29 March 2022)
World Meteorological Day 2022 - Early Warning and Early Action
JMA maintains its ongoing commitment to providing
meteorological information
to protect life and property. (23 March 2022)
New JMA brochure is now available
(14 March 2022, updated 22 March 2022)
Photo Gallery --- Technical meeting on Himawari-8/9 Rapidly Developing Cumulus Area (RDCA) products
(4 March 2022)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 67
(1 March 2022)
Photo Gallery --- 21st Typhoon Committee Attachment Training course at the RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center
(15 February 2022)
Press release: Heavy snowfall in Japan on the Sea of Japan side and elsewhere in late 2021 and early 2022
(1 February 2022)
Photo Gallery --- TCC Training Seminar on One-month Forecast
(21 December 2021)
Introduction of Always-on TLS Encryption (https) on 15 March 2022
(16 December 2021)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 66
(8 December 2021)
Photo Gallery --- Technical meeting on regional weather radar network for Southeast Asia 2021
(1 December 2021)
Photo Gallery --- Weather Radar Workshop 2021
(1 December 2021)
The 2020 edition of Annual Report on the Activities of the RSMC Tokyo-Typhoon Center is now available
(1 December 2021)
JMA launches Very Short-range Forecasts of Snow
(10 November 2021)
Congratulatory message to Professor Syukuro Manabe on winning the Nobel Prize in Physics 2021
(6 October 2021)
Press release: RWC Tokyo designation as a Regional WIGOS Centre
(4 October 2021)
Press release: Climate characteristics and factors behind record-heavy rain in Japan in August 2021
(24 September 2021)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 65
(9 September 2021)
JMA Created Videos with JICA (11 August 2021)
JMA - Meteorological Services of Japan
No Subtitles
JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program - Reinforcement of Meteorological Services -
No Subtitles
The 2020 edition of Climate Change Monitoring Report is now available
(28 July 2021)
JMA support for the smooth hosting of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games
(16 July 2021)
Weather information for Atami City and Numazu City, Shizuoka Prefecture -Portal- (6 July 2021)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 64
(18 June 2021)
RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center Technical Review No. 23
(20 April 2021)
Photo Gallery --- 20th Typhoon Committee Attachment Training course at the RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center
(25 March 2021)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 63
(9 March 2021)
The top page
disaster mitigation information contents
of the JMA website have been renewed. (24 February 2021)
The 2019 edition of Climate Change Monitoring Report is now available
(29 January 2021)
HASEGAWA Naoyuki was appointed as Director-General of the Japan Meteorological Agency
(5 January 2021)
The 2019 edition of Annual Report on the Activities of the RSMC Tokyo-Typhoon Center is now available
(28 December 2020)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 62
(25 December 2020)
JMA Headquarters has moved
(24 November 2020)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 61
(18 September 2020)
JMA's new provision of online tropical cyclone information in 14 languages
(16 September 2020)
The Heavy Rain Event of July 2020 -Portal- (6 July 2020)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 60
(24 Jun 2020)
JMA expands the multilingual website providing information on heavy rain, earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions to fourteen languages
(16 April 2020)
RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center Technical Review No. 22
(15 April 2020)
New JMA brochure is now available (31 March 2020)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 59
(4 March 2020)
The 2018 edition of Annual Report on the Activities of the RSMC Tokyo-Typhoon Center is now available
(26 December 2019)
Photo Gallery --- 19th Typhoon Committee Attachment Training course at the RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center
(24 December 2019)
Photo Gallery --- Weather Radar Seminar 2019 (18-22 November 2019)
(20 December 2019)
Photo Gallery --- Technical meeting on a regional weather radar network for Southeast Asia (13-15 November 2019)
(20 December 2019)
Photo Gallery --- OSCAR/Surface Training Course for the RA-II East Asia Subregion (13-15 November 2019)
(20 December 2019)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 58
(9 December 2019)
Photo Gallery --- TCC Training Seminar on Climate Analysis Information on Extreme Climate Events
(5 December 2019)
Photo Gallery --- Meeting of CSI Member State Director-Generals on Long-term Collaboration for Harmonized En-route Weather Information
(20 November 2019)
Photo Gallery --- High-level Dialogues on Tropical Cyclones: A 10-year Vision to Protect Life and Property from Tropical Cyclones (10-11 October 2019)
(12 November 2019)
Tokyo Typhoon Center 30th anniversary marks achievements and challenges
(11 October 2019)
The 2018 edition of Climate Change Monitoring Report is now available
(30 September 2019)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 57
(2 September 2019)
JMA launches new website providing information on heavy rain, earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions in eleven languages
(30 September 2019)
JMA expands Real-time Risk Maps and High-resolution Precipitation Nowcasts to eleven languages
(31 July 2019)
JMA launches a portal website "TOKYO 2020 WEATHER PORTAL" (24 July 2019, this portal website was closed on 8 September 2021)
JMA launches Real-time Risk Maps and High-resolution Precipitation Nowcasts in seven languages
(3 July 2019)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 56
(12 June 2019)
WMC Tokyo published a new report on the outline of the latest operational NWP system
(8 May 2019)
RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center Technical Review No. 21
(26 April 2019)
Photo Gallery --- RA II WIGOS Workshop - Regional WIGOS Centres and its services for Members (6-9 March 2019)
(17 April 2019)
SEKITA Yasuo appointed as Director-General of the Japan Meteorological Agency
(1 April 2019)
Photo Gallery --- JMA Workshop on WMO Information System Implementation 2019
(27 March 2019)
The WMO World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases (WDCGG) begins provision of data from the Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT)
(22 March 2019)
Incorporation of Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) for drought monitoring into the ClimatView tool
(20 March 2019)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 55
(19 March 2019)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Secretary-General Prof. Petteri Taalas on 27 February
(13 March 2019)
JMA and WMO will hold the Workshop on Regional WIGOS Centres and its services for Members (6-9 March 2019)
(28 January 2019)
The 2017 edition of Annual Report on the Activities of the RSMC Tokyo-Typhoon Center is now available
(27 December 2018)
Ishigakijima recognized as a long-term observing station by WMO
(27 December 2018)
RSMC Tokyo for Nowcasting began operation
(20 December 2018)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 54
(30 November 2018)
Photo Gallery --- TCC Training Seminar on One-month Forecast
(26 November 2018)
Photo Gallery --- Technical meetings on a regional weather radar network and Himawari-8/9 product considerations (Tokyo, Japan, October 2018)
(19 November 2018)
Photo Gallery --- Meeting of the WMO/GAW Science Advisory Group on Reactive Gases (SAG RG) (Osaka, Japan, 2 - 4 October 2018)
(16 November 2018)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by the Director-General of the Mozambique's National Institute of Meteorology on 14 November
(15 November 2018)
Photo Gallery --- 18th Typhoon Committee Attachment Training course at the RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center
(9 November 2018)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by Geological Survey of Canada Director General Dr. Daniel Lebel on 1 November 2018
(7 November 2018)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by NOAA/NESDIS Administrator Dr. Stephen Volz and delegation
(29 October 2018)
Himawari-8 Conducts First Target Area Observation *PDF 184 KB
(17 October 2018)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by UK Government Chief Scientific Advisor Prof. Patrick Vallance on 9 October 2018
(17 October 2018)
The 2017 edition of Climate Change Monitoring Report is now available
(5 October 2018)
The 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake -Portal-
(7 September 2018)
WDCGG (the World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases) page is updated!
(31 August 2018)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 53
(31 August 2018)
Primary Factors behind the Heavy Rain Event of July 2018 and the Subsequent Heatwave in Japan from Mid-July Onward
(24 August 2018)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by China Earthquake Administration (CEA) Administrator Dr. Zheng Guoguang and delegation
(9 July 2018)
The Heavy Rain Event of July 2018 -Portal- (9 July 2018)
The Earthquake in Osaka-Fu Hokubu on 18 June 2018 -Portal- (18 June 2018)
JMA begins operation of its 10th-generation supercomputer system
(5 June 2018)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 52
(1 June 2018)
Photo Gallery --- JMA/WMO Workshop on Quality Management of Surface Observations - RA II WIGOS Project (19 – 23 March 2018)
(1 May 2018)
Photo Gallery --- Director-General-level meeting on Collaborative SIGMET Issuance (6 – 7 March 2018)
(24 April 2018)
New JMA brochure is now available (31 March 2018)
RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center Technical Review No. 20
(30 March 2018)
World Meteorological Day (message from Dr. Hashida)
(23 March 2018)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 51
(1 March 2018)
Photo Gallery --- WMO/ASEAN Training Workshop on Weather Radar Data Quality and Standardization (5 – 13 February 2018)
(15 February 2018)
Photo Gallery --- TCC Training Seminar on Seasonal Forecast (29 January – 2 February 2018)
(15 February 2018)
Cold Spell in Japan from late January 2018
(13 February 2018)
Kusatsu-Shiranesan (Mt. Kusatsu-Shirane) Portal is now available (25 January 2018)
JMA developed new scale for rating tornado intensity: Guidelines for the Japanese Enhanced Fujita Scale
(22 January 2018)
JMA Launches New International Service HimawariRequest
(18 January 2018)
The 2016 edition of Annual Report on the Activities of the RSMC Tokyo-Typhoon Center is now available
(27 December 2017)
Photo Gallery --- 17th Typhoon Committee Attachment Training course at the RSMC Tokyo — Typhoon Center
(11 – 21 December 2017)
Photo Gallery --- Technical Meeting on Radar QC and QPE with TMD and MMD Experts (Tokyo, Japan, 12 – 15 December 2017)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 50
(8 December 2017)
Photo Gallery --- Second session of the WMO/CIMO Expert Team on Operational Metrology (ET-OpMet) (27 – 30 November 2017)
Photo Gallery --- The Fifth Session of the East Asia winter Climate Outlook Forum (EASCOF-5) (8 - 10 November 2017)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by the President of WMO/RA II H.E. Dr. Abdulla Ahmed Al Mandous and delegation on 13 November 2017
(13 November 2017)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Assistant Administrator for Weather Services Dr. Louis W. Uccellini on 2 November 2017
(13 November 2017)
WMO Greenhouse Gases Bulletin No. 13
(30 October 2017)
The 2016 edition of Climate Change Monitoring Report is now available
(11 October 2017)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) Director-General Dr. Ghulam Rasul and delegation on 3 October 2017
(4 October 2017)
Photo Gallery --- ICAO Sixth Meeting of the Asia/Pacific Meteorological Requirements Working Group (MET/R WG/6), Fukuoka (15 – 19 May 2017)
(15 September 2017)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by BNPB Deputy Director for Prevention and Preparedness
(5 September 2017)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 49
(31 August 2017)
Unusual weather conditions in Japan during the first half of August 2017
(22 August 2017)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by the ICAO Air Navigation Commission
(26 July 2017)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 48
(1 June 2017)
Photo Gallery --- First session of the WMO Inter-Programme Expert Team on Operational Weather Radars (IPET-OWR) (Tokyo, Japan, 13 – 16 March 2017)
(30 March 2017)
Renewal of the WMO/RIC Tsukuba website
(30 March 2017)
RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center Technical Review No. 19
(28 March 2017)
Photo Gallery --- 49th Session of ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee held in Yokohama, Japan from 21 to 24 February 2017
(28 March 2017)
New brochure highlighting Japanese cutting-edge weather radar now available
(21 March 2017)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by the Director-General of the Meteorological Service Singapore
(21 March 2017)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by China Meteorological Administration Deputy Administrator Jiao Meiyan and delegation on 23 February 2017
(21 March 2017)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by the Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization 20 – 22 February 2017
(21 March 2017)
Himawari-9 started backup operation at 00 UTC on 10 March 2017
(10 March 2017)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 47
(1 March 2017)
First images from Himawari-9
(24 January 2017)
Annual Report on Atmospheric and Marine Environment Monitoring Data is now available
(16 January 2017)
Photo Gallery --- Bilateral Training Workshop on Radar Quality and QPE between Malaysia and Japan (Tokyo, Japan, 19 – 23 December 2016)
(16 January 2017)
Photo Gallery --- JICA Knowledge Co-Creation Program for Reinforcement of Meteorological Services implemented by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) (14 September – 9 December 2016)
(10 January 2017)
Photo Gallery --- Technical Meeting on Radar Composite Map for Thailand (Tokyo, Japan, 29 November – 2 December 2016)
(15 December 2016)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by NHMS Viet Nam Deputy Director-General Mr. Le Thanh Hai and delegation
(8 and 12 December 2016)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 46
(9 December 2016)
Photo Gallery --- JMA Workshop on WMO Information System Implementation 2016
(6 – 8 December 2016)
The Tokyo VAAC's area of responsibility was extended to the region north of 60° north between 90 and 150° east on 8 December 2016
(8 December 2016)
The 2015 edition of Annual Report on the Activities of the RSMC Tokyo-Typhoon Center is now available
(7 December 2016)
Himawari-9 enters geostationary orbit
(11 November 2016)
Himawari-9 successfully launched
(2 November 2016)
Launch of Himawari-9 postponed
(30 October 2016)
The Earthquake in Tottori-ken Chubu on 21 October 2016 Portal is now available (27 October 2016)
"Modernization of Meteorological Services in Japan and Lessons for Developing Countries" published by World Bank
(17 October 2016)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by Brazil's Vice Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (7 October 2016)
(14 October 2016)
The 2015 edition of Climate Change Monitoring Report is now available
(28 September 2016)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by BMKG Deputy Director-General Dr. Yunus Swarinoto and delegation on 9 September 2016
(20 September 2016)
WMO/RIC Tsukuba expert visit to the Mozambique National Institute of Meteorology (INAM) for on-site calibration training
(12 September 2016)
Himawari-9 is scheduled for launch on 1 November 2016
(2 September 2016)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 45
(1 September 2016)
Photo Gallery --- 16th Typhoon Committee Attachment Training course at the RSMC Tokyo — Typhoon Center
(15 – 26 August 2016)
2nd WMO/RIC Tsukuba practical training course on meteorological instrument calibration for FMS officers
(3 August 2016)
Photo Gallery --- ICAO/WMO Asia/Pacific SIGMET Workshop Tokyo 2016
(27 – 30 June 2016)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 44
(31 May 2016)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by Sri Lankan Minister of Disaster Management and delegation
(10 May 2016)
The 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake Portal is now available (15 April 2016)
Toshihiko Hashida appointed as Director-General of the Japan Meteorological Agency
(1 April 2016)
New JMA brochure is now available (31 March 2016)
RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center Technical Review No. 18
(31 March 2016)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) Director-General Dr. Ghulam Rasuland delegation on 31 March 2016
(31 March 2016)
JMA Launches New Content: Weather Analysis Map
(15 March 2016)
Information at a glance is now available
(7 March 2016)
Sri Lanka Department of Meteorology (DOM) visit to WMO/RIC Tsukuba for on-the-job training in meteorological instrument calibration
(4 March 2016)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 43
(26 February 2016)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by PAGASA Executive Dr. Landrico U. Dalida from 1 to 5 February 2016
(1 – 5 February 2016)
Visit by a group of the US Representatives
(1 February 2016)
Mozambique National Institute of Meteorology (INAM) visit to WMO/RIC Tsukuba for on-the-job training in meteorological instrument calibration
(5 January 2016)
WMO Members from Oceania and WMO/RIC Tsukuba visit the Fiji Meteorological Service for on-the-job training in meteorological instrument calibration
(5 January 2016)
The summary of the Sixth Asia/Oceania Meteorological Satellite Users' Conference (AOMSUC-6) held from 9 to 13 November 2015 in Tokyo
(24 December 2015)
Photo Gallery --- JICA Training and Dialogue Program for Reinforcement of Meteorological Services implemented by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA)
(16 September – 11 December 2015)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 42
(4 December 2015)
The 2014 edition of Annual Report on Activities of the RSMC Tokyo-Typhoon Center is now available
(4 December 2015)
Photo Gallery --- Meeting of the Expert Group on WMO Information System (EG-WIS) of WMO's Regional Association II (Asia)
(25 – 27 November 2015)
Photo Gallery --- TCC Training Seminar on One-month Forecast
(16 – 20 November 2015)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) Director-General Mr. Alain Ratier and delegation
(2 November 2015)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Assistant Administrator for Satellite and Information Services Dr. Stephen Volz and delegation
(2 November 2015)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by Met Office Chief Executive Rob Varley and delegation
(30 October 2015)
Direct dissemination service via MTSAT-1R to be terminated on 4 December 2015
(7 October 2015)
Photo Gallery --- Joint Meeting of the WMO CIMO Expert Team on Operational Remote Sensing Technologies (ET-ORST) and the CBS Expert Team on Surface-based Observations (ET-SBO)
(5 – 8 October 2015)
JMA Launches New Content: Volcanic Ash Fall Forecasts
(2 October 2015)
The 2014 edition of Climate Change Monitoring Report is now available
(30 September 2015)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by Thai Meteorological Department Deputy Director-General Dr. Songkran Agsorn and delegation
(8 – 10 September 2015)
Sakurajima Portal is now available (17 August 2015)
JMA Launches New Content: Satellite Imagery (Rapid Scan)
(11 August 2015)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 41
(4 August 2015)
JMA Launches New Content: Eruption Notice
(4 August 2015)
Photo Gallery --- 15th Typhoon Committee Attachment Training course at the RSMC Tokyo — Typhoon Center
(22 – 31 July 2015)
Fiji Meteorological Service (FMS) visit to WMO/RIC Tsukuba for on-the-job training in meteorological instrument calibration
(10 July 2015)
Calibration for the standard pyranometer of the Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical Agency of Indonesia (BMKG) at WMO/RIC Tsukuba
(10 July 2015)
Himawari-8 operation initiated
(7 July 2015)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by Brazil's Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply
(3 July 2015)
Photo Gallery --- ICAO Asia/Pacific MET/ATM Seminar 2015 and MET/R TF/4
(29 June – 3 July 2015)
Techniques of Precipitation Analysis and Prediction developed for HRPNs is now available
(23 June 2015)
Kuchinoerabujima Portal is now available (3 June 2015)
Heat wave in India in late May
(2 June 2015)
Himawari-8 is scheduled to start operation at 02 UTC on 7 July 2015 (27 May 2015)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by the New Zealand Minister of Civil Defence, Minister of ACC, Minister for Youth and Assistant Minister of Education
(21 May 2015)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 40
(19 May 2015)
Collection of images captured by Himawari-8
(1 May 2015)
RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center Technical Review No. 17
(31 March 2015)
Photo Gallery --- The WMO International Symposium and other side events at the third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) in Sendai, Japan, and visits by Leaders of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services
(15 – 20 March 2015)
Aerodrome Climatological Tables are now available
(30 March 2015)
JMA will host the Sixth Asia/Oceania Meteorological Satellite Users' Conference to be held in Tokyo from 9 to 13 November 2015
(6 March 2015)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 39
(23 February 2015)
Photo Gallery --- TCC Training Seminar on Global Warming Projection Information
(26 – 30 January 2015)
HimawariCast service started
(29 January 2015)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by the Deputy Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization
(13 and 14 January 2015)
Photo Gallery --- JICA Training and Dialogue Program for Reinforcement of Meteorological Services
(18 September – 12 December 2014)
The 2013 edition of Annual Report on Activities of the RSMC Tokyo-Typhoon Center is now available
(25 December 2014)
First images from Himawari-8
(18 December 2014)
Photo Gallery --- Technical Meeting on a Radar Composite Map for Thailand
(25 – 28 November 2014)
Photo Gallery --- JMA Workshop on WMO Information System Implementation 2014
(18 – 20 November 2014)
JMA's New Nowcasting information debuts in record-rainy August 2014
(1 December 2014)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by Australian Bureau of Meteorology Director Dr. Rob Vertessy and delegation
(25 – 26 November 2014)
Relocation of the Tokyo Surface Observation Site
(26 November 2014)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 38
(26 November 2014)
The Seismological Bulletin of Japan is now available
(20 November 2014)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by United Kingdom Government Chief Scientific Advisor Sir Mark Walport and delegation
(5 November 2014)
Photo Gallery --- The Second Session of the East Asia winter Climate Outlook Forum (EASCOF-2)
(29 – 31 October 2014)
Himawari-8 enters geostationary orbit
(17 October 2014)
Volcanic Information for Mountaineers is now available
(10 October 2014)
Himawari-8 successfully launched
(7 October 2014)
JMA Launches New Content: Climate Risk Management
(1 October 2014)
Ontakesan (Mt. Ontake) Portal is now available
(30 September 2014)
The 2013 edition of Climate Change Monitoring Report is now available
(19 September 2014)
Record Greenhouse Gas Levels Impact Atmosphere and Oceans
(9 September 2014)
Unseasonable weather conditions in Japan in August 2014 — Summary of analysis by the TCC Advisory Panel on Extreme Climatic Events —
(3 September 2014)
HimawariCast: New service for Himawari-8/9
(3 September 2014)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 37
(22 August 2014)
Photo Gallery --- 14th Typhoon Committee Attachment Training at the RSMC Tokyo — Typhoon Center
(23 July – 1 August 2014)
Himawari-8 is scheduled for launch on 7 October 2014
(7 August 2014)
JMA Launches New Content: High-resolution Precipitation Nowcasts
(7 August 2014)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by Philippine Secretary of Science and Technology Mario G. Montejo and his delegation
(27 June 2014)
JMA Launches New Content: Atmospheric Environment
(30 May 2014)
Northwestern Pacific observation network data show atmospheric CO
concentration exceeding 400 ppm
(26 May 2014)
JMA Launches New Content: General Information on Climate of Japan
(19 May 2014)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 36
(15 May 2014)
Data distribution plan of Himawari-8/9, Japan's next-generation satellites
(13 May 2014)
Noritake Nishide appointed as Director-General of the Japan Meteorological Agency
(1 April 2014)
National Catalogue of the Active Volcanoes in Japan (The Fourth Edition, English Version) is now avilable
(31 March 2014)
RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center Technical Review No. 16
(31 March 2014)
New JMA brochure is now available (31 March 2014)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by Malaysian Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Dr. Ewon Ebin and his delegation
(28 March 2014)
Photo Gallery --- Visit by the Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization
(20 March 2014)
Photo Gallery --- JMA/WMO Workshop on Effective Tropical Cyclone Warnings in Southeast Asia
(11 – 14 March 2014)
Photo Gallery --- Cooperation in the Promotion of Knowledge on Disaster Risk Reduction between JRCS and JMA
(7 March 2014)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 35
(27 February 2014)
Global temperature for 2013 ranked 2nd on record
(3 February 2014)
The 2012 edition of Annual Report on Activities of the RSMC Tokyo-Typhoon Center is now available
(25 December 2013)
Photo Gallery --- JICA Training and Dialogue Program for Reinforcement of Meteorological Services
(17 September – 13 December 2013)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 34
(12 December 2013)
Photo Gallery --- Technical Meeting on Radar Composite Map for Thailand
(25-28 November 2013)
Photo Gallery --- TCC Training Seminar on Seasonal Prediction Products
(11-15 November 2013)
Lessons learned from the tsunami disaster caused by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and improvements in JMA's tsunami warning system
(18 October 2013)
Tokyo Climate Center: Extreme summer conditions in Japan in 2013
- Summary of analysis by the TCC Advisory Panel on Extreme Climatic Events - (2 September 2013)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 33
(30 August 2013)
JMA launched the Emergency Warning System
(30 August 2013)
Tokyo Climate Center: Extremely hot conditions in Japan in midsummer 2013
(13 August 2013)
Photo Gallery --- 13th Typhoon Committee Attachment Training at the RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center
(17-26 July 2013)
Photo Gallery --- The 41st meeting of the Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites (CGMS-41)
(8-12 July 2013)
Emergency Warning System to be Launched 30 August 2013
(21 June 2013)
JMA Launches New Content:
Ocean Acidification in the Western North Pacific
(31 May 2013)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 32
(17 May 2013)
JMA Renewed its Tsunami Warning and Advisory System
(7 March 2013)
Photo Gallery --- JMA/WMO Training Workshop on Calibration and Maintenance of Meteorological Instruments in RA II (ASIA)
(19-22 February 2013)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 31
(15 February 2013)
Global temperature for 2012 ranks 8th on record
(5 February 2013)
Photo Gallery --- A visit by the Director-General of the National Hydrometeorological Service of Kazakhstan
(31 January 2013)
Cold Wave over the Eurasian Continent in December 2012
(28 December 2012)
Photo Gallery --- TCC Training Seminar on Climate Analysis Information
(26-30 November 2012)
Photo Gallery --- A visit by Union Minister for Transport H.E. Mr. Nyan Htun Aung of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and his delegation
(19 November 2012)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 30
(16 November 2012)
Photo Gallery --- JMA Workshop on WMO Information System Implementation
(22-24 October 2012)
JMA Launches New Content:
State of the Ocean Climate
Oceanic Carbon Cycle
(3 September 2012)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 29
(15 August 2012)
Photo Gallery --- 12th Typhoon Committee Attachment Training at the RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center
(18-27 July 2012)
JMA Starts Daytime High and Early Morning Low Temperature Distribution Forecasts
(20 July 2012)
JMA Upgrades its Supercomputer System
(30 May 2012)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 28
(10 May 2012)
RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center Technical Review No. 14
(31 March 2012)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 27
(20 February 2012)
The presentation files of the Second Asia/Oceania Meteorological Satellite Users' Conference held from 6 to 9 December 2011 in Tokyo are available online
(9 February 2012)
Cold Wave over the Eurasian Continent
(6 February 2012)
Global temperature for 2011 ranked 12th on record
(2 February 2012)
Photo Gallery --- The Director of the Environmental Research in DG Research and Innovation of EC visited JMA
(20 January 2012)
The summary of the Second Asia/Oceania Meteorological Satellite Users' Conference held from 6 to 9 December 2011 in Tokyo
(6 January 2012)
The 2010 edition of Annual Report on Activities of the RSMC Tokyo-Typhoon Center is now online.
(22 December 2011)
Global temperature for 2011 to be ranked 12th on record (Preliminary)
(21 December 2011)
Photo Gallery --- The Mayor of the City of Los Angeles visited JMA
(12 December 2011)
The Second Asia/Oceania Meteorological Satellite Users' Conference (6-9 December 2011)
(9 December 2011)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 26
(28 November 2011)
Tokyo Climate Center: Heavy rainfall over the Indochina Peninsula for June - September 2011
(31 October 2011)
The 2010 edition of Climate Change Monitoring Report is now online.
(24 October 2011)
Photo Gallery --- A visit by the Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization
(26 September 2011)
Lowering criteria for heavy rain warnings or advisories in the Typhoon Talas affected area
(9 September 2011)
Photo Gallery --- The 6th Executive Panel Meeting of the Sustained Coordinated Processing of Environmental Satellite Data for Climate Monitoring (SCOPE-CM)
(29-30 August 2011)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 25
(24 August 2011)
Centres of WMO Information System come into operation on 1 August 2011
(1 August 2011)
Photo Gallery --- 11th Typhoon Committee Attachment Training at the RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center
(20-29 July 2011)
Tentative criteria for storm surge warnings and advisories in the earthquake affected area
(25 July 2011)
Resumption of tsunami and tide level observation in the earthquake affected area
(25 July 2011)
Provision of Information on Extreme High Temperature
(14 July 2011)
JMA will host the Second Asia/Oceania Meteorological Satellite Users' Conference to be held in Tokyo from December 6 to 9
(24 June 2011)
Higher Risks of Tide Inundations during summer to fall: Provision of Hourly Tide Level Calendars for Reconstruction Activities and Preparedness of the Residents in the Affected Areas
(21 June 2011)
Enhancement of Rainfall Observation in the Affected Areas in Tohoku Region
(16 June 2011)
Prof. Matsuno was presented with the 55th IMO Prize in the ceremony during the WMO 16th Congress
(16 June 2011)
JMA Shared Lessons from the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake at the World Meteorological Congress
(24 May 2011)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 24
(18 May 2011)
The World Meteorological Organization's Fact Finding Mission to the Japan Meteorological Agency
(25 April 2011)
Recovery of Observing Systems with Satellite Communication and Solar Battery
(22 April 2011)
A strong aftershock of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake occurred Monday 11 April
(12 April 2011)
A strong aftershock of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake occurred Thursday 7 April
(8 April 2011)
Lowering criteria for warnings and advisories of heavy rain and flooding in the earthquake affected area
(30 March 2011)
RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center Technical Review No. 13
(29 March 2011)
The 2nd Message from Dr. Hatori, Director-General of the Japan Meteorological Agency on the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
(25 March 2011)
Lowering criteria for heavy rain warnings or advisories in the earthquake affected area
(25 March 2011)
Increase of the risk of the submergence and flood during the spring tide associated with the ground sink caused by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
(17 March 2011)
The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake ~fourth report~
(16 March 2011)
The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake ~third report~
(15 March 2011)
Message from Dr. Hatori, Director-General of the Japan Meteorological Agency on the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake
(15 March 2011)
The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake ~second report~
(14 March 2011)
The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake ~first report~
(13 March 2011)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 23
(17 February 2011)
2010, Second Warmest Year on Record
(2 February 2011)
RIC (WMO Regional Instrument Center) - Tsukuba page is updated
(31 January 2011)
Global Temperature in 2010 Most Likely Second Warmest (Preliminary)
(21 December 2010)
The 2009 edition of Annual Report on Activities of the RSMC Tokyo-Typhoon Center is now online
(14 December 2010)
Photo Gallery --- International Workshop on Development of Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Models towards Improvement of Long-Range Forecast (8-10 December 2010)
(20 October 2010)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 22
(10 November 2010)
Tokyo Climate Center: Climate Change Monitoring Report 2009
(20 October 2010)
Photo Gallery --- Tenth Typhoon Committee Training Seminar at the RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center
(21-30 July 2010)
Photo Gallery --- NOAA Assistant Administrator for Satellite and Information Services visited JMA Headquarters
(8 September 2010)
Primary Factors of Extremely Hot Summer 2010 in Japan
(16 September 2010)
Japan hit by the hottest summer in more than 100 years
(10 September 2010)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 21
(25 August 2010)
Photo Gallery --- The Advisor to H.E. the President of Chile visited JMA Headquarters
(3 August 2010)
Photo Gallery --- JMA/WMO Workshop on Quality Management in Surface, Climate and Upper-air Observations in RA II (Asia)
(27-30 July 2010)
The Warmest Global Mean Surface Temperature Observed for March to May 2010
(17 June 2010)
Videos understanding and utilizing Earthquake Early Warnings
(27 May 2010)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 20
(27 May 2010)
Photo Gallery --- The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile visited JMA Headquarters
(27 April 2010)
RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center Technical Review No. 12
(updated 13 May 2010)
Photo Gallery --- The International Workshop "Towards the Successful Implementation of the WMO Information System in Asia"
(9-11 March 2010)
The Warmest Global Surface Temperature for March in 2010
(14 April 2010)
Regional Instrument Center Tsukuba for RA II (RIC Tsukuba) established its website.
(15 March 2010)
The International Workshop "Towards the Successful Implementation of the WMO Information System in Asia" (9-11 March 2010)
(11 March 2010)
Photo Gallery --- Tenth International Wind Workshop
(22-26 February 2010)
Photo Gallery --- JMA Seminar for the Directors of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in Asia and the Pacific
(2-5 February 2010)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 19
(12 February 2010)
Third highest global surface temperature in 2009 (preliminary, from January to November)
(15 December 2009)
Photo Gallery --- Group Training Course for Reinforcement of Meteorological Services 2009
(15 September - 15 December 2009)
The 2008 edition of Annual Report on Activities of the RSMC Tokyo-Typhoon Center is now online
(9 December 2009)
International Workshop on Advancement of Typhoon Track Forecast Technique
(30 November - 2 December 2009)
WMO Greenhouse Gases Bulletin No. 5
(24 November 2009)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 18
(6 November 2009)
Record-tying high global surface temperature in September 2009
(9 October 2009)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 17
(25 August 2009)
Photo Gallery --- Ninth Typhoon Committee Training Seminar at the RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center
(22-31 July 2009)
Tokyo Climate Conference, 6-8 July 2009
(21 July 2009)
Tokyo Climate Center: Climate Change Monitoring Report 2008
(25 June 2009)
Tables explaining the JMA Seismic Intensity Scale
(19 June 2009)
Announcement: Tokyo Climate Conference, 6-8 July 2009
(28 May 2009)
Renewal of the Erathquake Early Warning page
(28 May 2009)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 16
(28 May 2009)
Greenhouse gases information is published on our page.
(28 May 2009)
Photo Gallery --- Joint meeting of Global Space-Based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS) Research and Data Working Groups
(28-30 January 2009)
Forecast of cherry blossom blooming dates in 2009
(updated on 22 April 2009)
RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center Technical Review No. 11
(updated 20 April 2009)>
Forecast of cherry blossom blooming dates in 2009
(updated on 15 April 2009)
Forecast of cherry blossom blooming dates in 2009
(updated on 8 April 2009)>
Forecast of cherry blossom blooming dates in 2009
(updated on 1 April 2009)
Forecast of cherry blossom blooming dates in 2009
(updated on 25 March 2009)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 15
(25 March 2009)
Photo Gallery --- The Ninth Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Satellite Data Exchange and Utilization
(APSDEU-9, 2 - 4 February 2009)
Forecast of cherry blossom blooming dates in 2009
(updated on 18 March 2009)
Forecast of cherry blossom blooming dates in 2009
(updated on 11 March 2009)
Annual Report on Atmospheric and Marine Environment Monitoring (No. 9, Observation Results for 2007) (9 March 2009)
Forecast of cherry blossom blooming dates in 2009
(issued on 4 March 2009)
New brochure: Marine Meteorological Observations and the Services of Port Meteorological Officers (PDF, 152KB)
(March 2009)
New brochure: Climate Change --- Present and Future (PDF 4.4 MB)
(9 January 2009)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 14
(16 December 2008)
The 2007 edition of Annual Report on Activities of the RSMC Tokyo-Typhoon Center is now online
(28 November 2008)
WMO Greenhouse Gases Bulletin No.4 (issued in November 2008)
(28 December 2008)
Photo Gallery --- Group Training Course in Meteorology 2008
(9 September - 13 December 2008)
Tokyo Climate Center: Climate Change Monitoring Report 2007
(25 November 2008)
Global Warming Projection Vol. 7
(2 Octorber 2008)
WMO Working Group on Climate-Related Matters for Regional Association II in Tokyo, Japan (7-8 August 2008)
(4 September 2008)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 13
(4 September 2008)
A new leaflet on the World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases (WDCGG) (PDF 2.7 MB)
is available on
the WDCGG website
(14 August 2008)
Photo Gallery --- Eighth Typhoon Committee Training Seminar at the RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center (23 July - 1 August 2008)
(14 August 2008)
Photo Gallery --- Senior officials of meteorological organizations visited the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) on the occasion of the Fourth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD-IV)
(30 May 2008)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 12
(27 May 2008)
Improvement of JMA's Tropical Cyclone Track Forecasts (PDF 73 kB)
(21 May 2008)
Japanese 25-year ReAnalysis (JRA-25) Atlas
(2 May 2008)
Photo Gallery --- T-PARC Operations Meeting in Tsukuba, Japan
(7-8 April 2008)
Forecast of cherry blossom blooming dates in 2008
(upated on 23 April 2008)
RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center Technical Review No. 10
(updated 17 April 2008)
Forecast of cherry blossom blooming dates in 2008
(upated on 16 April 2008)
Forecast of cherry blossom blooming dates in 2008
(upated on 9 April 2008)
Forecast of cherry blossom blooming dates in 2008
(upated on 2 April 2008)
New brochure: JMA Volcanic Warnings and Volcanic Alert Levels (PDF 907 kB)
(31 March 2008)
Photo Gallery --- Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Seminar
(14 - 22 February 2008)
Forecast of cherry blossom blooming dates in 2008
(upated on 26 March 2008)
Early Warning Information on Extreme Weather
(21 March 2008)
Forecast of cherry blossom blooming dates in 2008
(upated on 19 March 2008)
Forecast of cherry blossom blooming dates in 2008
(upated on 12 March 2008)
Photo Gallery --- Third WCRP International Conference on Reanalysis
(28 January - 1 February 2008)
Forecast of cherry blossom blooming dates in 2008
(issued on 5 March 2008)
Renewal of the Aeolian Dust page:
Aeolian Dust Observation
(27 February 2008)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 11
(22 February 2008)
Numerical Weather Prediction
(15 February 2008)
Photo Gallery --- The Second Regional Operational Meteorological (OPMET) Data Banks Coordination Meeting in Tokyo, Japan
(31 January - 1 February 2008)
Photo Gallery --- International Workshop on the Hazardous Winds Associated with Severe Storms
(9-11 January 2008)
WMO Greenhouse Gases Bulletin No.3 (issued in November 2007)
(6 December 2007)
Tokyo Climate Center: Climate Change Monitoring Report 2006
(4 December 2007)
Tokyo Climate Center: TCC News No. 10
(15 November 2007)
The 2006 edition of Annual Report on Activities of the RSMC Tokyo-Typhoon Center is now online
(12 November 2007)
Recovery of MTSAT-2
(7 November 2007)
Malfunction of the attitude control of MTSAT-2
(5 November 2007)
MTSAT imagery has become available through Sentinel Asia website
(23 October 2007)
Expected dates of red and yellow leaves at their peak in the Kanto region in 2007
(1 October 2007)
Photo Gallery --- Group Training Course in Meteorology 2007
(11 September - 15 December 2007)
Earthquake Early Warning: New Contents
(30 August 2007)
Third WCRP International Conference on Reanalysis to be held in Tokyo in January 2008
(14 August 2007)
New Product available: ClimatView - Interactive Climate Database (For National Meteorological and Hydrological Services)
(13 August 2007)
Leaflets on Earthquake Early Warning in English are now available on the website
(10 August 2007)
An outline of reinforced or new contents of the JMA's Website
Photo Gallery --- Fifth Asian THORPEX Regional Committee Meeting was held in Tsukuba, Japan (25-26 July 2007)
HiRID and WEFAX will be terminated on 12 March 2008
(25 July 2007)
Photo Gallery --- Seventh Typhoon Committee Training Seminar at the RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center (18-27 July 2007)
Renewal of the home page of Tokyo Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC)
(1 June 2007)
International Workshop on the Applications of Advanced Climate Information in the Asia-Pacific Region
(30 March 2007)
RSMC - Tokyo Typhoon Center Technical Review
(2 March 2007)
Climate Change Monitoring Report for 2005
(29 November 2006)
Annual Report on Activities of the RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center 2005
(24 November 2006)
First images from MTSAT-2
(11 May 2006)
HiRID and WEFAX will be discontinued in December 2007
(2 May 2006)
Recovery of MTSAT-1R's operational observation
(17 April 2006)
Leaflet 'TSUNAMI Warning System in Japan' (PDF 481 kB)
(8 March 2006)
MTSAT-2 has been placed in geostationary orbit (PDF 14 kB)
(24 February 2006)
MTSAT-2 successfully launched (PDF 14 kB)
(18 February 2006)
Annual Report on Activities of the RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center 2004
(November 2005)
Volcanic Ash Information for Civil Aviation
(1 August 2005)
Formal Operation of MTSAT-1R Started
(28 June 2005)
Collaborative Migration towards "Clouds" in the Improved MTN (IMTN) project
(11 August 2004)
Improvement of Tropical Cyclone Track Forecasts
(1 June 2004)
International Training Seminar on Typhoon Monitoring and Forecasting in the Western North Pacific
(17 March 2004)
Training Workshop on Climate System Monitoring, Diagnosis and Prediction in the Asia-Pacific Region (November 2003)
Before 2003
Joint Meeting for Seasonal Prediction of the East Asian Winter Monsoon (November 2003)
Upgrade of operational model for ENSO prediction
(18 July 2003)
Meeting of NMHS Directors on Advanced Climate Services in the Asia/Pacific Region
(7 July 2002)
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