RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center has organized ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee Attachment Trainings every year since 2001, with the support of the WMO Tropical Cyclone Programme (TCP) and the Typhoon Committee for the enhancement of capacity of the Committee members in typhoon analysis and forecasts.
This year, Mr. Monichoth SO IM from Cambodia and Mrs. Roongrawee ONKOT from Thailand attended the 13th Attachment Training held at the JMA Headquarters from 17 to 26 July, 2013. The training focused on improvement of skills in tropical cyclone analysis and forecasts through practical training including hands-on learning using Satellite Analysis and Viewer Program (SATAID). In addition, it covered a range of lectures such as quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE) and quantitative precipitation forecast (QPF), storm surge forecasts, Severe Weather Forecasting Demonstration Project (SWFDP), and an introduction to the next generation meteorological satellites (Himawari-8/9). During the training, the two trainees also got the opportunity to join daily tropical weather briefing to discuss the outlook for tropical cyclone formation and development in the western North Pacific region using real-time data including MTSAT images as well as numerical weather prediction (NWP) outputs.
Dr. Hatori between Mr. Monichoth SO IM (right) and Mrs. Roongrawee ONKOT (left) with National Typhoon Center staff (17 July, 2013, Director-General's office)