Day-1, 8 December 2010 |
Yuhei Takaya (JMA): | Background of symposium/workshop |  |  |
Adam Scaife (UKMO): | Introduction to seasonal prediction and numerical models |  |  |
Shuhei Maeda (JMA): | Improvements of seasonal forecast by introducing CGCM |  |  |
Roberto Buizza (ECMWF): | Future perspective of seasonal prediction system developments at ECMWF |  |  |
Masahide Kimoto (U. Tokyo): | Better climate information for society |  |  |
Day-2, 9 December 2010 |
Shang-Ping Xie (U. Hawaii): | Modes of Indo-Pacific variability and predictability of East Asian climate |  |  |
Yukio Masumoto (JAMSTEC): | IndOOS (Indian Ocean Observing System): Present status and recent highlights on air-sea interactions in the Indian Ocean |  |  |
Tamaki Yasuda (MRI/JMA): | Air-sea interaction over the Indian Ocean after El Nino in JMA/MRI-CGCM seasonal forecast experiment |  |  |
Hua-Lu Pan (NCEP/NOAA): | The NCEP Climate Forecast System Version 2 |  |  |
Jing-Jia Luo (JAMSTEC): | Seasonal prediction and coupled model development activities at JAMSTEC |  |  |
Yongqiang Yu (IAP): | The basic performance of IAP coupled GCM FGOALS2.0 |  |  |
Oscar Alves (CAWCR): | Current status and strategy of CGCM and ocean analysis system developments in Australia |  |  |
Yousuke Fujii (MRI/JMA): | Coupled model Simulation by constraining ocean fields with ocean data thorough the JMA operational ocean data assimilation system |  |  |
Masafumi Kamachi (MRI/JMA): | Strategy and issues to be addressed in the sea-ice assimilation |  | |
Day-3, 10 December 2010 |
Adam Scaife (UKMO): | Strategy for Seasonal Prediction Development: UKMO and WGSIP Activities |  |  |
Roberto Buizza (ECMWF): | Strategy for seasonal prediction developments at ECMWF |  |  |
Nobumasa Komori (JAMSTEC): | CFES: Coupled GCM for the Earth Simulator -Current status and future directions- |  |  |
Masahide Kimoto (U. Tokyo): | Expanding the horizon of seasonal prediction using state-of-the-art climate models |  |  |