JMA mainly distributes Himawari-8/9 data in two ways. One is the HimawariCast service, by which primary sets of imagery are disseminated as operational meteorological services via a commercial communication satellite. The other is the HimawariCloud service, by which full sets of imagery are delivered to National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) via a private Internet cloud service. JMA also distributes Himawari-8/9 data to NMHSs via JDDS (the JMA Data Dissemination System) and, in conjunction with four other Japanese institutions, provides Himawari-8/9 data distribution/archive services for research, development and education purposes. JMA provides Himawari-8/9 data to the private sector and other communities via the Japan Meteorological Business Support Center (JMBSC).
JMA started the HimawariCast service on 29 January 2015. Himawari imagery in full-disk HRIT/LRIT files is compatible with previous MTSAT HRIT/LRIT data. Files are provided every 10 minutes, and the number of bands for HRIT files is 14 out of Himawari-8/9’s 16. These multi-band high-frequency observation data support the timely creation of RGB products and are expected to contribute to disaster risk reduction in the East Asia and Western Pacific regions.
JMA also disseminates meteorological data and products in Satellite Animation and Interactive Diagnosis (SATAID) format, including numerical weather prediction products and observational data. The Agency’s SATAID software enables the superimposition of these data and products onto satellite imagery.
Up-to-date information, including specifications of equipment needed to receive data via HimawariCast, is available at:
JMA provides a variety of meteorological information and products, including Himawari-8/9 data, To the private sector and other communities via the Japan Meteorological Business Support Center (JMBSC; a general incorporated foundation designated by the Director-General of JMA).
The following four Japanese institutions operate Himawari-8/9 data archiving and redistribution services on a best-effort basis for research, development and education:
Users must register to download data from each institution and observe the individual data usage policies.
JMA launched the HimawariCloud service on 8 April 2015 with the distribution of Himawari-8 in-orbit-test imagery for NMHSs in the Himawari-8/9 coverage area.
Himawari Standard Data are used as master data from all 16 bands with the finest spatial resolution to create all products related to Himawari-8/9. True-color images composed of data from three visible bands are provided in Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format. In addition, images of Target Areas observation in Network Common Data Form (NetCDF) are also created and distributed.
NMHSs in the Himawari-8/9 coverage area can access HimawariCloud and retrieve data using an HTTP 1.1 client such as a Web browser or Wget. A minimum of 20 Mbps throughput between HimawariCloud and the user client is needed to download all data provided via the HimawariCloud service. It should be noted that HimawariCloud is not a data archive service. Data can be downloaded for 72 hours after receipt by the HimawariCloud server, and are then deleted.
The following web page provides technical information on how to access/download data and other matters via HimawariCloud:Himawari-8/9 imagery and geophysical products are provided via the JMA Data Dissemination System (JDDS). Satellite imagery and products such as High-resolution Cloud Analysis Information (HCAI) are provided via the Himawari JDDS.
The following web page provides the information of distribution via JDDS:
The WIS-portal service provides the SATellite Animation and Interactive Diagnosis (SATAID) application and Himawari-8/9 data in SATAID format. SATAID enables the visualization and manipulation of satellite imagery, NWP (numerical weather prediction) products, observation results and data. The service allows NMHS users to download 10-minute interval data from Himawari-8/9 observation.
The following web page provides the information of WIS-portal:
Himawari Real-Time Image is a web-based service providing RGB composite imagery and the Heavy Rainfall Potential Areas product. RGB composite imagery can be easily created by overlapping and displaying color satellite images to present information from several satellite channels. Heavy Rainfall Potential Areas is a satellite product in image form providing information on the potential for rainfall associated with deep convective clouds. The service is provided via
The following web page provides the service:
Satellite Program Division, Japan Meteorological Agency
E-mail: metsat AT